Incubator now accepting pre-proposals for cluster funding

Incubator now accepting pre-proposals for cluster funding


The Incubator for Transdisciplinary Futures (ITF), a signature initiative of the strategic plan, is now accepting pre-proposals for the selection of transdisciplinary research and learning “clusters." The selected clusters, which will be funded for three years, will represent unique collaborations and bold ideas that could shape the future of scholarly inquiry in Arts & Sciences.

Funding (up to $350,000 over three years) may be used to:

  • foster transformative research collaborations among faculty, students, and external partners;
  • generate impactful, ambitious, and innovative research products;
  • sponsor public-facing events and develop public-facing deliverables with transdisciplinary faculty and student participation; and
  • develop at least one new undergraduate or graduate course connected to the cluster theme or problem.

More information about the ITF and the funding process can be found on the ITF website. Two information sessions to talk through ideas and answer questions will also be offered on April 27 and May 9. The brief pre-proposals are due by May 27, 2022. Applicants will be notified in June if they have been selected to submit a full proposal.