The Incubator for Transdisciplinary Futures was created to catalyze and support bold collaborations that will foster the future of scholarly inquiry.

Our mission is to nurture innovative academic configurations that may endure—and even become research and educational models to follow—thus transforming not only Arts & Sciences but also Washington University.

Transcending Boundaries

We believe transdisciplinary research and learning can help us envision better futures. The projects we support:

  • Transcend the boundaries that disciplines imply—mixing and merging to lead to something new
  • Are deeply linked to questions and problems that connect the academy and society
  • Encourage novel thinking about future directions within traditional disciplines as well as across them

Enamorado wins NSF grant for linking datasets

Assistant professor of political science Ted Enamorado has earned a $233,955 National Science Foundation grant to expand his efforts in linking disparate sets of data. Enamorado is one of the faculty leads of Improving Data Integration Techniques, a group supported by a programmatic grant from the Incubator for Transdisciplinary Futures.

Mindfulness Science & Practice team members publish study on the neurological effects of mindfulness practice

WashU Mindfulness Science & Practice faculty lead Todd Braver and colleagues in the Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences have published a new study on the neurological effects of mindfulness practice in ScienceDirect.

A Signature Initiative

The Incubator for Transdisciplinary Futures is a signature initiative of the Arts & Sciences strategic plan.

Learn more about the plan